"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken," - Oscar Wilde

Start from Yourself, now

I am a ICF Certified Professional Coach and Family, Parent Coach.

I am a real person, with a real life, with worries as everybody has, with the struggle of the everyday life with the “I don’t have time’ issue as partner of my life, running like crazy to make everything working. I am a wife and a mom of three kids that monopolize 99% of my daily energy but they are forcing me to grow, to change, to learn, to find different way to be a better mom, wife, friend, supporter.

I want to start with a story...
because everything start from a story and
then it develops into ideas....

.....and this is mine... it comes from my childhood memory...

My father’s mom ‘Nonna Cloti’ was an educated, strong, resolved, interesting, sarcastic, sometimes eccentric lady. She had always pink lipstick, nail polish and a lot of perfume. She was not the kind of Granma that used to play with me, but she made me a great Gift. She used to whisper to me, every time that she could, a wonderful inspiring thought:

"Choose very carefully what you are desiring, because you could get it"

And nothing could be more true and more part of my life then that. This was my subconscious secret that stayed with me without me being aware of it till I started the journey towards the discovery of myself in 2008.

After 10 years of career in fashion and events, (at that time) 2 boys (the girl arrived later!) and a busy life, I had a strong need to restart and rewire my life.  I was happy. I had everything I could wish for, but I needed a little more of Myself.

I was used to read magazines and cut photos, newspaper articles, sentences everything that had a meaning for me in that moment.
Once, I was flip though all of these papers (they were everywhere!) I found an article that spoke about ‘Life coaching and the true self’. I had an AH AH moment, I recognize myself in there and was the my starting point. I became a Coach. A Life Coach, a Coach for Life.

I defeated my fears and asked myself the Big Question:

‘What do you really want?’



Behavior and personal growth

Find a way to make (my) life easier and happier

Support others to make their choices

Giving Youth tolls for their personal life and growth (having kids, this is becoming more and more important to me)


Degree in Scienze Politiche at’Universita’ di Padova, Italy
ICF Associate Certified Coach, 360Coach Academy, Lugano, Switzerland
Certified Parent Coach, Impact Coaching Academy


Thinking Into Results, Proctor Gallagher Institute; Positive Relationships and Character Strengths, The Via Institute. Continuous Personal Development and Lerning: NeuroGym and its Innercise Revolution that helps me through scientifically-proven methods and technologies to expand my mental and emotional power.


I am at Mastermind Program of Tony Robbins and Dean Greziosi.
Continuous Personal Development.


I will be in professional development program in Applied Neuroscience and Brain Health, The Neuroscience Academy


Degree in Scienze Politiche at’Universita’ di Padova, Italy
ICF Associate Certified Coach, 360Coach Academy, Lugano, Switzerland
Certified Parent Coach, Impact Coaching Academy


Thinking Into Results, Proctor Gallagher Institute; Positive Relationships and Character Strengths, The Via Institute. Continuous Personal Development and Lerning: NeuroGym and its Innercise Revolution that helps me through scientifically-proven methods and technologies to expand my mental and emotional power.


I am at Mastermind Program of Tony Robbins and Dean Greziosi.
Continuous Personal Development.


I will be in professional development program in Applied Neuroscience and Brain Health, The Neuroscience Academy




