Chasing busy!

How many time we fill our time with errands and tasks and at the end of the day we feel like we‘d done enough and we are exhaused? Lerning to choose intentionally to cut through the clutter and noise in our lives is the real gift that we can give ourself.

Life is busy

Discovering what is really important to us is the first step, learn to say no and set bouderies is the second one. We are cut in the overachiever mindset and we define ourself by what we do and not what we are. Busy vs Productive! canb you see the difference?

Our best assets are:

  1. Time
  2. Focus
  3. Energy

These are the most important tools that we have in a day and if we combined them in the wrong way we will end up being

  1. Late
  2. Scattered
  3. Drained

Can you ralate? We need to make the 3 work together to have the biggest impact. This does not include balance, unfortunately..but a reset on our expectation.

Our challanges:

  1. home
  2. self
  3. work

Let‘s put all our life in 3 huge buckets to make it simple and see what‘s going to happen. Home: family in all its angles (basics needs, kids, husband, daily activities, food) Self: it is the relationship we have with ourself (health, happyness, self care, connections, life goals…us) Work: our Job as CEO of a company or CEO of the House.

What does the words PUT YOUR LIFE IN 3 BUCKETS mean to you????

Can you see the difference between the 1 and the 2? It is a matter of alligning who we are, what we want, and be clear in our priorities. Seems not easy…

Change the story and it will be Magic!

The real magic is… NOT to be willing to be in BALANCE or better, to embrace the `‘out of balance zone‘. Let’s be honest… what it really means to be in balance anyway? It is just a way to feel more frustrated to feel that we are not in the right spot: we are not a good mom, we are not the perfect partner, not a good friend. We are not fair with ourselves! We cannot do everything and be everything…at least not in the way of all the stories that we are telling ourselves. DECONSTRUCT THE WORD BALANCE AND REDEFINE WHAT IT IS FOR YOU. Write it down and retell YOUR new story, with your expectation, with new joy and porpose. Live on your own project, don‘t live on other‘s.

Explore your priorities, fill your 3 buckets with what really matter to you and magically you will build your biggest impact!

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